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A cheetah can not roar but it can growl and purr. The name cheetah means the spotted one cause it has lots of spotts.  A female cheetah is called a queen.  A baby is called a cub.

3rd Grade Reflecshions

One thing i learned is our golden rule it really works. One thing I sttrugeled with is math of subtracting. One thing that suprised me is that we had a feild day.I was desipointed that we had time taken off our resses.I screamed.


Horse Love

Once upon a time two horses were named Ginger, and Romeo.One day Ginger was out on the field with the sun gazing on her. then romeo came to her and announced” You are the most beautiful  creature Iv’e ever seen” Then Ginger stated,”Thank you . this went on and on and on until Romeo said “Your eyes are so beautiful and so dreamy and sparkling.” Then Ginger spoke ” Thank you.yours too.” Then  Romeo speaked ” One day I hope we get married.” Then Ginger told ” Me too.” there for they got married and had two baby a boy and a girl the boys name was Johsh and the  girls name was Karson.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               THE END                                                                     By: Taylor Gage

Young Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was the greatest leader of them all. For example, she stood up for herself. She was always helping her family. She got lots of food for her family. She had to work in the fields. She went down south to save hundreds of people from slavery. She also saved trapped animals. Secondly she never gave up. Finally she was determined to run away from slavery.